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The Options Paper presented by Ministers Anthony Roberts and Matt Kean quotes “216,000 homes (2014) in NSW/ACT converted to short-term holiday lets…doubling each year”. Or, around 864,000 homes at the end of 2016 - surely not?

Last Thursday, 180 Members and Associates of the St Vincent de Paul Society travelled to Parliament House, where a 16,000-signature petition calling for targets on inclusionary zoning and affordable housing was moved and debated. Planning and Housing Minister Roberts, accompanied by his 22-year old advisor and nephew of Lucy Turnbull, dismissed the request. The faces of all those in the Public Gallery displayed stark and profound disappointment. NSW Greens Housing spokesperson, Jenny Leong, followed: “It is unacceptable and shameful that members of the Government, who have the ability to act to address homelessness, have walked past the (Martin Place) tents and are meeting with police to move people on, rather than providing…affordable housing.” On the steps of Parliament afterwards, it was put to Greens MP Jamie Parker that State Parliamentarians are so far removed from the day-to-day lives of Residents that MPs have no true grasp on how precarious is our housing situation. Mr Parker replied: “Incorrect. MPs understand. MPs just don’t care.” This, from the Parliamentarian who jumped to the defence of those running illegal, unregulated Airbnb operations in residential properties, when they received ‘cease and desist’ notices from the City of Sydney Council.

Why are Legislators not enforcing Planning/Zoning legislation? Why is report after report after report on the impact of holiday letting on the cost of housing being ignored? Who will take action against those landlords robbing NSW Residents of our rights to safe, secure affordable homes?

Homes not Hotels Communities not Transit Zones People before Profits Neighbours not Strangers

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